Crystal Kay
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Crystal Kay

Tout sur la star montante de la scène R&B/Pop Japonaise et bientôt mondiale Crystal Kay !
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 Shadows of Desire

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Nombre de messages : 293
Date d'inscription : 24/03/2007

Shadows of Desire Empty
MessageSujet: Shadows of Desire   Shadows of Desire EmptySam 26 Mai - 19:50

et vous savez que "kirakuni" est a peu prés la suite de "Shadows of Desire"

Playing for devil's desire
I graze the full moon
Pull you into the night, I found a blue light flame

Lips touch and heat is rising,
Can't stop I'm takin' over you
Falling into the dark, I found a blue love flame

Like flash of lightening caught in the reticence of night
I've trapped you with seduction babe no way to escape it
(Delicious Red lush the thrill of stroke)
(Secrets of Deep mellisonant Shadows)

Grooving in regular motion
Whispers of drawing tides
Looming harrowed scar
I saw the blue light fade

Smiling the little joker
I part the muddy hall
You cling with red-stained hands
I saw the blue love fade

Like flash of lightening caught in the reticence of night
I've trapped you with seduction babe no way to escape it
(Break the spell let the Scar deface)
(Secrets of Deep mellisonant Shadows)
(Delicious Red lush the thrill of stroke)
(Secrets of Deep mellisonant Shadows)
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